Another reprieve for threatened wildlife in the Supreme Court


Today the Supreme Court granted an injunction to protect another 13 logging coupes from destruction. This means a total of 26 areas of threatened species habitat are safe while our case is heard.

Our legal action aims to slow the march to extinction for threatened species like the Greater Glider and Sooty Owl (pictured), which have been pushed to the brink by the 2019–20 bushfires and continued logging. The coupes protected today include the Kalatha Valley of the Giants coupe ('Zinger') in Toolangi, as well as forest around Mansfield, Matlock, Mt Bullfight, Noojee and Warburton.
You can follow the case's developments here. We are arguing that logging fire-affected threatened species habitat is unlawful until the conclusion of government bushfire biodiversity responses and threatened species are protected in light of the findings. We have recently filed our response to VicForests' defence and are working hard to mount the best case for our threatened wildlife ahead of a trial later in the year.

Can you make a donation to support our legal action? We need your help to cover legal advice, representation, expert witnesses and other court costs.
With more than 800 logging coupes in the Central Highlands alone, 26 may seem like a small number – but these coupes represent vital habitat for threatened species affected by the bushfires. Today’s court decision is another important step in securing the long-term protection of these wonderful animals.