WOTCH launches bushfires legal action


WOTCH has today taken VicForests to court to protect threatened species and their habitat in Victoria’s forests from logging!!

The 2019/2020 bushfires have had an unprecedented impact on our wildlife. Until we can fully understand the effects these bushfires have had on Victoria’s threatened species, we cannot continue to destroy their habitat in unburnt areas like the Central Highlands.

Sooty Owl, Powerful Owl, Greater Glider and Smoky Mouse have each lost huge swathes of habitat in the recent wildfires. Represented by Environmental Justice Australia, we are arguing that VicForests is acting unlawfully by continuing to log the habitat of these fire-affected threatened species.

Our ongoing work documenting these threatened species in logging areas will be vital evidence as the case moves forward. You can support this work by donating at https://www.givenow.com.au/wotch