Colquhoun Grevillea Detection Report – 803-504-0009 'The Highway'

A flora survey by Wildlife of The Central Highlands (WOTCH) and Fauna and Flora Research Collective Inc (FFRC) was undertaken within VicForests coupe 803-504-0009 on 8 December 2020. VicForests refer to this coupe as “The Highway”. 67 threatened Grevillea celata (Colquhoun Grevillea) plants were marked within the coupe, and some of these were photographed and filmed along with GPS coordinates. Many additional plants were seen in the small area searched within coupe 803-504-0009. As such, the 67 plants recorded during this limited survey and shown on the maps included within this report represent only the minimum population size. With the 2019-20 bushfires impacting much of the habitat/records of this threatened species, this population is highly significant and must be protected from logging and other disturbances.

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