Leadbeater’s Possum Zone 1A Habitat Detection Report – 300-530-0003 'Knots'

Field surveys were undertaken within and adjacent VicForests logging coupe 300-530-0003 off Monda Road on the 10th of July, 19th of September and 26th of September 2021, to determine if Leadbeater’s Possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri) Zone 1A habitat was present.

For each hollow-bearing tree encountered, a waypoint was marked by GPS, the circumference of the tree was measured at breast height, species and growth stage was noted, obvious hollows were noted including the aspect and height of significant hollows where necessary. Photographs were taken of each tree and any obvious hollows. Each hollow-bearing tree recorded in this investigation was understood to be Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus regnans). GIS mapping and spatial analysis was undertaken to determine if the density of hollow-bearing ash trees at coupe 300-530-0003 met the Zone 1a prescription outlined in the ‘Planning Standards for timber harvesting operations in Victoria’s State forests 2014’.

We conclude that this investigation found the presence of Leadbeater’s Possum Zone 1A habitat within and adjacent VicForests logging coupe 300-530-0003 and therefore a Special Protection Zone must immediately be established to protect this critical Leadbeater’s Possum habitat from logging operations.

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